Release Notes

SyncVV Version 1.7.0 Released (31st July 2024)

New features

  • Vicon Shogun Linked Control now offers a choice of control modes. You can select from three modes: automatic, timecode recording only, or immediate recording only.
  • The order in which projects are displayed on the home screen can now be selected.
  • As one of the means of playing back recorded video files, a shortcut key setting file for Stream Deck has been added for integrated operation with the media player.
  • Added a shortcut key for the Export Take List function.
  • Added shortcut key for exporting take material.
  • The Take List export function now allows the user to choose between two output formats: full list and filtered list.


  • Improved the infinitely heavy project enumeration behavior on the home screen when there are multiple projects with many takes.
  • The log output of the Shogun linkage control is now Japanese in a Japanese environment. However, the received packet information is written in English to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Improved the log output of Shogun Interlocking Control to ensure consistency with the operation.
  • The export screen settings for take material are now remembered.

SyncVV Version 1.6.1 Released (7th May 2024)


  • Improved memory usage efficiency when shooting a large number of takes.
  • Significantly improved the performance of the take focus function after recording.
  • Added load balancing to prevent processing load spikes in GPU processing that occur immediately after recording stops.
  • Improved the safety of the recording preparation process for the next take.

SyncVV Version 1.6.0 Released (29th Apr. 2024)

New features

  • Timecode is now recorded in the take list information even during manual recording. The display timecode value is used for timecode notation during manual recording. To distinguish it from timecode-specified recording, [D] is added to the right side of the timecode notation.
  • When an SDI signal is disconnected, a behavior has been added to insert a color bar so that the frame before and after the disconnection can be easily distinguished. Note that this behavior does not necessarily correspond exactly to the total number of frames expected before signal disconnection due to the loss of the video clock source.
  • Added the ability to change the receive port for Vicon Shogun.
  • Added support for save to text file feature in the log screen.
  • Added support for copy to clipboard functionality on the log screen.
  • Added the ability to output to the Windows Event Log.
  • Added support for adding functions that are not on the menu to the menu display.
  • Added audio monitor channel selection function to the menu.
  • Added Take List Selection Up and Take List Selection Down to the menu.
  • Added Open Input Large View and Open Output Large View to the menu.
  • Added Audio Mute On/Off to the menu.
  • Added Still Image Capture to the menu.
  • Added Recording Start/Stop to the menu.


  • When performing manual recording, an arbitrary file name can now be specified.
  • When recording is stopped, the focus is now on the take that has been completed in the take list.
  • Added icons to the playback menu (File A ... File D) on the menu screen. File D) on the menu screen to improve visibility.
  • A progress dialog is now displayed during the export process of a take list, allowing for worry-free operation even with a large number of takes.
  • Display timecode values are now included in the TC field of take information when recording still images.
  • When a project folder cannot be deleted from home because the data is too large to fit in the trash, an explanatory message is now displayed.

SyncVV Version 1.5.0 Released (1st Apr. 2024)

New features

  • A “multi-channel playback” function has been added to enable playback of multiple take materials side-by-side as a single video.


  • Rotation settings for input and output monitors are now saved and restored on next startup.
  • Improved the behavior of the background color of the file name display in the take list so that it turns red during recording.
  • Shortcut keys are now easily recognized by explicitly displaying them for menu-displayed operations.
  • Improved the behavior of the log output of the Vicon Shogun integration function so that the latest information is always displayed when the display is updated.
  • It is now possible to configure whether or not the Vicon Shogun Linked Function actually performs an operation after accepting a trigger.
  • It is now possible to change the UDP port number in the Vicon Shogun linking function.
  • When a frame is missing on a specific channel due to SDI signal disconnection or other reasons, the display has been improved to show which channel the missing frame occurred on. Previously, all takes were displayed in yellow, but the behavior has been improved so that only the file name of the channel where a missing frame is detected is displayed in yellow.
  • Improved the behavior of the project delete function so that the project directory is moved to the Windows operating system trash when deleted.

SyncVV Version 1.4.2 Released (1st Dec. 2023)


  • Please contact your distributor.

SyncVV Version 1.4.1 Released (28th Nov. 2023)


  • Please contact your distributor.

SyncVV Version 1.4.0 Released (22nd Nov. 2023)

New features

  • Added option to select recording bitrate.
  • Added option to use lower case letters for recording file names in the settings screen.
  • Added an option to use file names according to SyncVV(2015) for recording file names in the settings screen.

SyncVV Version 1.3.1 Released (11th Oct. 2023)

New features

  • Added a process to ignore the close operation with a message if the application is closed during recording.
  • Optimized the audio level meter calculation process.

SyncVV Version 1.3.0 Released (21st Sep. 2023)

New features

  • Expanded supported video formats to support new 2048x1080. (2048x1080p60.00, 2048x1080p59.94 2048x1080p50.00, 2048x1080p30.00, 2048x1080p29.97, 2048x1080p25.00, 2048x1080p24.00, 2048x1080p23.98)
  • Bluefish444 Kronos K8 is now officially supported.


  • Added load reduction circuitry for audio input monitor waveform display processing, allowing users to optionally reduce the update rate to reduce system load.
  • Added load reduction circuitry for video input monitor video display processing, allowing users to optionally lower the update rate to reduce system load.

SyncVV Version 1.2.0 Released (14th Sep. 2023)

New features

  • Added a new status object to the project data content structure to store validFrames and invalidFrames values.
  • Added yellow highlighting of the target take in the take list for takes where invalid frames are detected due to SDI signal disconnection during recording.
  • Added a new tally function that displays the recording ready status with a green frame, and a setting option to enable or disable this function.
  • Added the ability to use the shortcut keys ALT+Enter to enable and disable full screen display.
  • The format display of the input monitor now shows p, i, and PsF to indicate scan mode.


  • In Vicon Shogun linked control, the Timecode command value is now also displayed in the control information.
  • In Vicon Shogun Interlocking Control, the behavior has been improved so that only packet information that is handled as valid control is left in the user interface display. All received packet information is still recorded in the log.
  • When creating a new project, the default project name entered in the project name entry dialog no longer overlaps with the existing project name.
  • The default project name displayed in the project name entry dialog when creating a new project now includes a date.
  • Still image capture is no longer triggered when there is no input signal.
  • Added margin between the tally and video display in the large view window to improve visibility.
  • Removed the control mode selection and enable/disable switch from the Vicon Shogun interlocking control to make it easier to perform interlocking control.
  • Improved the behavior of the Vicon Shogun interlocking control so that it will perform the appropriate action based on the contents of the received packet without the user having to actively select the operation mode.

SyncVV Version 1.1.2 Released (10th Sep. 2023)

New features

  • Added CPU and GPU load display function.
  • Added GPU temperature display function to the system monitor.

SyncVV Version 1.1.1 Released (7th Sep. 2023)

  • Please contact your distributor.

SyncVV Version 1.1.0 Released (6th Sep. 2023)

New features

  • 1920x1080/60i, 1920x1080/59.94i, 1920x1080/50i input signals are now supported.
  • Added support for 1920x1080/30.00PsF, 1920x1080/29.97PsF, 1920x1080/25PsF, 1920x1080/24PsF, 1920x1080/23.98PsF input signals.
  • 1280x720/60p, 1280x720/59.94p, 1280x720/50p, 1280x720/48p, 1280x720/47.95p, 1280x720/30p, 1280x720/29.97p, 1280x720/25p, 1280x720/24 p, 1280x720/24.98p, 1280x720/23.98p input signals are now supported.


  • Improved the operation log for recording start and stop.
  • Suppress file generation when the number of video frames is 0.

SyncVV Version 1.0.3 Released (4th Sep. 2023)

New features

  • It is now possible to select the behavior of whether the large view is always shown in the foreground. The default setting is to not bring it to the front.


  • The recording availability detection circuit has been improved to detect the recording availability status with higher accuracy than before.
  • Added date and time to the log output of the Shogun Vicon Linking Tool.

SyncVV Version 1.0.2 Released (3rd Sep. 2023)

New features

  • Added Python sample scripts to the installation directory, assets/python_sample_scripts.
  • Added Composite Guide templates to assets/composite_guide_templates in the installation directory.
  • Specified NVIDIA runtime version.
  • Timecode recording is now available from the GUI screen. The timecode-specified recording uses the channel timecode given to each channel as the trigger information to start and stop recording.
  • In addition to the previous recording start and stop operations, time code recording start and time code recording stop operations can now be performed.
  • A function to display the recording status by channel has been added.


  • The channel display interval of the audio waveform monitor is now aligned with the audio level meter.
  • Revised the timecode display design of the input monitor to greatly improve visibility.
  • Improved visibility by adding icons to the display from channel A to channel D.
  • The large view screen is no longer hidden behind the control room screen when operating the control room screen with the large view screen out.
  • The logic used to determine when timecode recording starts and stops has been revised.
  • Provided channel icons for channels A/B/C/D to improve visibility.

SyncVV Version 1.0.1 Released (30th Aug. 2023)

New features

  • System language preferences are now referenced to display the Japanese version of the application note if the system language is Japanese, otherwise the English version of the application note.
  • The Vicon Shogun Interlocking Control plug-in is now supported in Japanese.
  • Referring to the system language preferences, Vicon Shogun now starts with the Japanese user interface if the system language is Japanese, otherwise with the English user interface.
  • The Japanese version of the user interface is now supported.
  • Desktop resolution can now be checked on the Information screen.


  • When a Composite Guide image is set, the mixing ratio is now automatically set to the specified value of 50%.
  • Slider operation is disabled when no Composite Guide image is set.
  • The Composite Guide file name is now displayed.

SyncVV Version 1.0.0 Released (28th Aug. 2023)

  • The first version of the public release.